UES Owned (Utility Scale)
Steven H. Jacobson Solar Facility
This project is located on 32 acres north of Kingman, produces enough power to meet the annual electric needs of more than 900 homes. The 5 MW array includes more than 15,000 photovoltaic modules. In April 2017, It was dedicated in memory of an employee who helped to keep the lights on for more than 30 years in Mohave County.
Rio Rico
Built on 37 acres near Interstate 19, this 5-megawatt photovoltaic system provides enough power to supply about 1,500 homes for a year.
La Senita
This 1.2-megawatt photovoltaic system includes more than 5,000 solar panels installed on six acres leased from the Kingman Unified School District. An adjacent learning center was designed to help students explore renewable energy science and technology.
Power Purchase (Utility Scale)
Gray Hawk Solar
This 46-megawatt, single-axis tracking project is located on an 800-acre parcel located about six miles northeast of Kingman. The system, owned by D. E. Shaw Renewable Investments, produces enough power for about 11,000 homes.
Red Horse Expansion
UniSource’s renewable generating capacity was more than doubled in 2016 with the expansion of the Red Horse solar and wind project near Willcox, Ariz. The 37-megawatt expansion produces enough electricity annually to power more than 7,500 homes.
Kingman Wind Farm (solar)
A 500-kilowatt, polycrystalline silicon photovoltaic array makes up the solar half of Arizona’s first utility-scale system to combine and produce energy from wind and sunshine. The Kingman Wind Farm, developed by Western Wind Energy, provides UniSource with enough generating capacity to power about 2,200 homes for a year.
Black Mountain Solar
Designed and built by Solon, this 10MW single-axis tracking solar project is installed on about 60 acres near Kingman. It uses more than 40,000 solar modules to produce power that is sold to UniSource through a 20-year purchase power agreement.