Weatherization assistance

UniSource works with partner agencies to make free energy efficiency retrofits to the homes of income-qualifying customers. If you qualify for assistance, these improvements could significantly reduce your monthly utility bills.

UniSource provides funding to the Western Arizona Council of Governments (WACOG), the Northern Arizona Council of Governments (NACOG) and to the Southeastern Arizona Community Action Program (SEACAP) for the purposes of providing energy affordability to our limited-income residential electric and gas customers.

If you qualify for assistance, representatives from the WACOG, NACOG, and SEACAP will assess your home and install necessary weatherization measures on approved homes and structures that could include:

  • Caulking and weather-stripping
  • Insulation (attic, wall and duct)
  • Water heater insulation and exposed pipe wrap
  • Attic ventilation
  • Sun screens
  • Paint roof and exposed ducts white
  • Service evaporative coolers
  • Replace evaporative coolers or motors with two-speed motors
  • Install low-flow shower heads

Assistance is available to customers whose household gross income over the past 12 months does not exceed the following amounts, based on the number of people in the household:

Family size Annual income at or below:
1 $31,300
2 $42,300
3 $53,300
4 $64,300
5 $75,300
6 $86,300
7 $97,300
8 $108,300
More than 8 $11,000* (add per person)

*$108,300 for 8 family members plus $11,000 for each additional person based on the Federal Poverty Guidelines. The eligibility levels above equate to 200% of the federal poverty level.

If you think you might qualify, please contact one of our partner agencies near you:

Mohave County
208 N. 4th St.
Kingman, AZ 86401
(gas and electric customers)

Apache, Coconino, Navajo and Yavapai counties
3111 N. Caden Court, Suite 100
Flagstaff, AZ 86004
(gas customers only)

Santa Cruz County
490 N. Chenoweth Ave.
Nogales, AZ 85621
(gas and electric customers)

To measure the effectiveness of the upgrades, program participants will be surveyed about their comfort, energy usage patterns and overall bill savings.

The UniSource weatherization program complements the Federal Weatherization Assistance Program (WAP) and Low Income Home Energy Assistance Program (LIHEAP).

UniSource also offers CARES (Customer Assistance Residential Energy Support) program discounts for those with limited incomes and short-term assistance for qualifying customers who are in financial distress.